
Limitations of liability & exclusions of liability

1. Limitations of liability in accordance with Article 23 of the ADSp 2017

We work exclusively on the basis of the German Freight Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions 2017 - ADSp 2017 - and - insofar as these do not apply to the provision of logistics services - in accordance with the Logistics GTC as of July 2019.

Note: Section 23 of the ADSp 2017 deviates from the law with regard to the maximum liability amount for damage to goods (Section 431 HGB) by limiting the liability for multimodal transport including sea transport and unknown damage location to 2 SDR/kg (special drawing rights per kilogram) and otherwise limiting the standard liability of 8.33 SDR/kg additionally to 1.25 million euros per claim and 2.5 million euros per damage event, but at least 2 SDR/kg.


2. The German Freight Forwarders' Standard Terms and Conditions 2017 (ADSp 2017)

3. Logistics GTC