Corporate policy

Learn more about our corporate policy.


Customer satisfaction is an important goal of our corporate policy. To achieve this, we continuously define and improve the quality of our transport and logistics services. We define the quality of our forwarding services in an integrated quality, environmental and energy management system. All of our forwarding services have been certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001 since 1994. In 2008, certification in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 was added, and in 2025 an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 was introduced. In addition, LOXX services have been compliant with the Safety and Quality Assessment System (SQAS) of the European Chemical Industry Council since 2003.

A long-term positive development of our logistics company can only go hand in hand with environmentally and climate-conscious thinking and acting. Therefore, we see it as our responsibility to make an active contribution to protecting the environment and climate by using natural resources as sparingly as possible and continuously improving the energy efficiency of our processes. This way, we reduce or even completely avoid harmful effects on the environment and climate.

ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 50001




Quality Policy

We see it as our forwarding mission to offer and carry out optimal forwarding and logistics services that are tailored to our customers.

The basic principle of our Quality Policy is to achieve the highest level of customer satisfaction. We implement this principle by constantly improving the quality of our services. We define this on the basis of transparent and verifiable criteria, from which we derive our quality objectives.

In order to ensure the fulfilment of these quality objectives, all quality and safety-relevant activities, from management and purchasing to sales, the specialist departments and warehousing, right down to the transport company, are planned, controlled and monitored throughout. We monitor the implementation of the quality objectives at regular intervals, using the quantifiable criteria on which they are based.

With their qualifications, personal performance, commitment and entrepreneurial spirit, each of our employees contributes to achieving these quality objectives. Our employees play a constructive role in avoiding errors, identifying possible sources of error and eliminating them permanently. Thanks to suggestions from all employees, our QM system is constantly being improved. Our Quality Policy is an obligation for all of us, and it is regularly discussed and reviewed annually to ensure it is appropriate.

Environmental and energy policy

For us, a pronounced environmentally and climate-conscious way of thinking and acting is a self-evident obligation towards our fellow human beings. Furthermore, it is of great importance to LOXX for a sustainably positive development. The principles of our environmental and energy policy are the responsible use of natural resources, the reduction of energy consumption, the promotion of renewable energies and the avoidance, where this is not possible, the reduction of harmful effects on the environment in terms of the climate protection law.

In addition, we participate in the solution of regional environmental problems within the scope of our possibilities. To implement our environmental and energy guidelines, we comply with the relevant legislation and set ourselves clear and verifiable targets on this basis and beyond. We maintain an open and constructive dialogue with our customers, business partners and interested parties regarding our environmental and energy policy.

We regularly inform our employees about objectives, measures and results and openly accept their suggestions for achieving corporate goals and improving corporate policy. In this way, the integrated management system is continuously improved through everyone's suggestions. Each of our employees contributes to the realisation of our corporate goals within the scope of their responsibilities and with their personal commitment. The implementation of these goals is regularly reviewed on the basis of clearly measurable and relevant data, and we discuss and evaluate the appropriateness of our corporate policy on an annual basis.